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Rebirthing Birth Blueprint: The Future of Conscious Parenting Starts Before Birth
From the moment a child is conceived, parents begin making choices that shape their future.

Understanding Cognitive Dissonance: Why It Happens and How to Overcome It
Cognitive dissonance is the psychological discomfort that arises when a person holds two or more conflicting beliefs, values, or attitudes.

The Most Important Planning You’ll Ever Do as a Parent Before Birth
Bringing a child into this world is a profound, life-altering event. But what if everything you thought you knew about parenting, and birth?

The American Connection: "One Nation Under God" and the Torah's Influence
The phrase "One Nation Under God" aligns with the Torah's concept of a monolithic God ruling over all people.

The Hidden Knowledge of Mentalism
The Law of Mentalism states:"All is Mind. The Universe is Mental."

The Battle for the Human Mind: How We Are Being Prepped for a Post-Human Future
For decades, we have been subjected to an insidious form of psychological conditioning, preparing us to accept a post-human future.

The Octopus of Evil: Exposing the Corruption Controlling Humanity
Imagine a monstrous octopus with its tentacles wrapped around every major system of human civilization.
The War on Consciousness: How to Reclaim Your Mind & Upgrade Your Sovereignty
In times of chaos and political unrest, influence is not just about knowledge—it’s about mastering the unseen forces that shape...

Trump’s Pardon of Ross Ulbricht: A Reflection on Justice, Bribery, and the End Days
The recent news of Donald Trump granting a pardon to Ross Ulbricht, the founder of the Silk Road, has sparked both celebration and...

Busting Loose From the Money Game
Robert Scheinfeld, author of the Wall Street Journal bestseller The 11th Element, is back with a guide to help people make money a...

King James’s Fear of Witches vs. Jesus’s Message of Empowerment
The legacy of King James VI of Scotland and I of England is filled with contradictions. Known for commissioning the King James Bible, KJV

King James: The Author, Influencer, and His Role in Shaping the Bible
When we think of the Bible, we often imagine it as a divine and untouchable work, authored by higher powers, and passed down through the age

The Power of Media in Times of Crisis
The Spanish flu pandemic of 1918-1920 and the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020-2023 provide compelling case studies on how media influences public

Cultural Marxism: History, Overview, and Its Role in America TodayWhat is Cultural Marxism?
Cultural Marxism is a term used to describe the application of Marxist theory to cultural and societal structures rather than traditions.

The Bible Conspiracy: Unveiling Ancient Narratives and Modern Divisions
The Bible—a text revered by billions—has shaped human history, culture, and identity for millennia.

The Biblical Story Unfolding Today
The story of Israel—its origins, conflicts, and ultimate survival—has always been steeped in deep biblical roots.

Debunking the Word 'Conspiracy Theorist': A Tool for Gaslighting in Psychopathic Leaderships
The term “conspiracy theorist” has become a ubiquitous label, often used to discredit individuals who question official narrative.

The Importance of AI and Real Conversations: What You’ll Find at New Earth Entertainment
In a world increasingly shaped by technology, the role of artificial intelligence (AI) is more significant than ever.

A Redo Of The Republic
Dive deeper into the transformative ideas of self-governance, Wetiko, and reclaiming the true spirit of a republic.

SUBJECT MATTER INFLUENCERS! Join the Movement & Empower Your Audience with New Earth Entertainment.
As a partner affiliate, you have the unique opportunity to align your brand with the transformative vision of New Earth Entertainment.
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