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Vladimir Megre, Author of the book: Ringing Cedars of Russia wrote the following excerpt from this page 19th, a few days before Sheena was studying about the same exact topic in the video to the right - how do we protect and serve the families of Mother Gaia during these times of uncertainty? 


We must comprehend that the following institutions are ALL tied up into the UN's 2030 SDG laws that are currently being passed. We must avoid these institutions at all costs:


  • Government News & Mainstream Media

  • Cops, Lawyers, Court system

  • Banks & Financial Institutions 

  • Hospitals

  • Schools

  • Transportation

  • Malls & Shopping

  • Grocery Stores

  • Movies, Concerts & Entertainment

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AGENDA 21 & 2030


  • A solution to the question of the nation’s defence preparedness. A significant reduction in weapons and, over the next few years, the eventual complete extirpation of bribery, corruption, gangsterism and terrorism.


  • Every Russian army or law enforcement officer, upon receiving the rank of lieutenant, is to be awarded not only a little star on his epaulette, but at the same time the right to receive a hectare of land on which to set up his kin’s domain.


  • If an officer’s wife becomes pregnant, within three months’ time, the State should build on the designated spot a modest home according to the plans selected by the parents-to-be, with all the amenities afforded by modern technology.


  • The child of a Russian officer should be born only in his own family domain.





Being served papers for death threats

I was shocked to receive a knock on my door to be served papers from my ex for 'threatening' to kill him. This was a false claim (I never did this) which happens all the time.


I never showed up in court because I spoke to the lawyer and declined his services. When the false AVO was delivered below,  I begging the cop to help me. As you can see - he didn't do a thing, just listened with a smile.


I ended up going back to court to 'annul' the false AVO which resulted in me begging to the judge, the lawyer and the police that my daughter was being stolen. The woman judge looked at me and said I needed to get help. She then extended the restraining order and I have not seen or spoken to my daughter since. 

Refusing a breathalyzer test at the beach..

It was a warm sunny day with no pub around when I got pulled over randomly, without any warning. I stood in my natural rights to refuse their services, but I did not play the game right.


As you can see this was my (very vulnerable) attempt at exposing how corrupt the cops are in Australia, but this happens every country that the NWO has captured. We are now taking back our power through international events to explain to people what is happening with the cops who vowed to 'serve and protect us'.


I did end up giving her my last name and the fine included 4 letters, a suspension of license, and a fine of circa $3,500. 


Now, as I've settled and secured in my community - it's time to put feet on the ground and prepare for the next event that is expected to come with the agendas that have been leashed out onto humanity. I believe a new variant "Disease X" is going to be released, with a 'solution' out of Japan heading our way. The laws have already been passed, and governments around the world are already preparing for this event. Please continue to stay vigilant and alert through these unexpected times.


Does Disease X really exist? And could Disease X kill you?

Disease X itself is hypothetical: it does not exist. But the concept of Disease X describes a very real and growing threat to human health – and one the world must prepare better to respond to. The most recent Disease X to emerge was the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19. Because we were not properly prepared to defend ourselves against it, COVID-19 swiftly spread and caused a deadly pandemic, killing millions worldwide. Safe and effective vaccines have significantly reduced COVID-19’s mortality and morbidity, saving an estimated 20 million lives in the first year of their roll-out.


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A Message from Japan to the World


Delivered by Prof Masayasu Inoue, Professor Emeritus of Osaka City University Medical School. The UN and the WHO are planning their next event now - are you prepared?


As always - a confirmation message was just sent to me which everyone must take seriously!  30 seconds after I shared this on Facebook and downloaded it, I was gifted a rainbow to confirm the accuracy of this concern.  Please spread this message to your loved ones. 

Earth's Issues

Earth's Enemy

New World Order

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